Sujet d’Anglais – Séries C-D-S-OSE – 2021

Service d’Appui au Baccalauréat
Code matière 
: 002
Epreuve de 
Durée  Coefficients 

: Anglais
: 02 heures 30 minutes
: C-D (Bonus) ; S= 2 ; OSE= 2


Experts say that millions of people around the world are one click away from “online” addiction. We spend more time on the internet. The out-of-control habit causes severe stress on family, friends, and work.

According to Kimberly Young, clinical director of the internet Addict Center, about 5% to 10% of Americans, 15 to 30 million people, may suffer from internet addiction and the problem may be even greater in countries like China, Korea, and Taiwan. It’s global problem.

Coleen Moore, coordinator of the Institute for Addiction Recovery says that adulthood spend 14 to 18 hours a day online. But Kimberly notes that it’s not just how long people spend using a computer. To help people with their diagnosis, Kimberly developed a survey of 20 questions to measure levels of internet addiction. “There are no real medicine for this yet” She says. It’s not about medication, it’s about more about therapy. The estimated recovery time varies. At the institute, some patients need 30 to 90 days of treatment followed by a continuing care program.

Online gaming is an internet addiction mostly growing among young people. They devote their times to surfing the web, chat-rooms and virtual communities. Coleen Moore says “Gaming could get people addicted to the internet addiction because it has such compelling content. However, I don’t think games can cause internet addiction like the other forms of entertainment. 


I-Identifying general ideas from the text                                                                       (2pts)

1. What is the text about?

  • The advantages of the internet
  • The story of the origin of internet
  • The online games discovery
  • Internet addiction

2. Choose the best title for the text                                                                    (0,5 pts)

  • Internet lovers
  • The dangers of internet
  • The fame of internet
  • Internet cure

3. Re-order the following ideas as they presented in the text:                              (1 pt)

a) Games are just as addictive as other forms of entertainment.

b) Internet addict treatment process

c) Big number of internet users in the world

d) Internet addiction affects people’s life in many different ways

II- Identifying specific information                                                                                      (1 pt)

1- Fill in the blank with a word from the text                                                    (0,25 pt)

Recovery centers base their treatment on…………..and not medication.

2- Says if this statement is True or False                                                              (0,25 pt)

There are still no drugs for the internet addiction.

3- Complete the blank with information from the text                                      (0,5 pt)

–     Cause of internet addiction                            (a)        ……………………………………………
–      Consequence of internet addiction                           (b)        …………………………………………….

III- Guessing the meaning of words                                                                                       (1 pt)

  1. In the sentence: “Gaming could get people addict to internet”,what “Addict” means:                                                                                                                 (0,25 pt)                                                                                      
  • Attracted
  • Stressed
  • Dependent
  • Worried

2. Find in the text the antonym of “ending”                                                      (0,25 pt)

(In paragraph 3)

    3.  Complete the sentence with the synonym of “mainly” from the text       (0,25 pt)

Facebook addiction is……………………increasing among young people

     4. Match the word with its definition                                                                    (0,25 pt)

“Recovery” means :

a) Becoming well after illness

b) Becoming worse after illness

IV- Deducing non-explicit information:                                                                         (2 pts)

Answer the following questions.

  1. What the internet used for?                                                                         (1 pt)
  2. Is internet addiction easily treated?                                                            (1 pt)


I.Choose the best answer:

  1. She got hair………….. last week                                                                       (0,5 pt)

a. to cut

b. cuts

c. cut

d. cutting

2. The students were all……………… after the exam.                                     (0, 5 pt)

a. exhausted

b. exhausting

c. exhaustion

d. exhaustive

3. Fill in the blank with the content preposition                                           ( 0,5 pt)

Education of women prevents them …………… early marriage.

a. for

b. from

c. against

d. with

  II. 1. Combine these two sentences using a correct relative pronoun            (0,5 pt)

-My teacher is sick. She is a dynamic woman.

My teacher …………………………………….

2. Reformulate the following sentences

a) Photos were taken by photographers yesterday.                         (0,5 pt)

Photographers ………………………………….

b) I am bad at English                                                                             (0,5 pt)

I wish………………………………………….   

c) “Are you coming to the party?” He asked me.                             (0,5 pt)

He asked me …………………………………….

d) I don’t have any money                                                                   (0,5 pt)

I have ………………………………………

C. INDIRECT ORAL TEST         (5 pts)

  • Pour les séries C-D Seulement

I-Express the following sentences in a less formal way                                         (1 pt)

  1. Would you mind speaking louder, please?
  2. Could you not touch my phone, please?

II-Same or different                                                                                                             (1 pt)

Father has the car repaired

  • Father has repaired the car  …………………

How do you do!

  • What do you do?     ………………..

III- Complete the dialogue                                                                                                      (3 pt)

– Henry: …………… (1)  …………………?

-Maria: I am from Fianarantsoa. But I’ve lived here for quite a long time now.

-Henry: Well, do you like living in big cities?

-Maria:  Of course. It’s a lot of fun.

-Henry: ……………. (2) ………………………your free time?

-Maria: I usually go window-shopping.

…… (3) ………………………window-shopping with me tomorrow?

-Henry: It’s a good idea but I’m busy every Saturday.

  • Pour les séries S-OSE seulement

I- Find the odd one out            (0,5 pts)

  1. What are you?
  2. What are you doing?
  3. What do you do?
  4. What is your profession?

II- Express the following sentences in a more formal way                                          (1 pt)

  1. A: Thanks for gift.                                                                                   (0,25 pt x  4)

              B: Not at all

2. Where is your boss? I want to speak to him.

II- Match the utterances with the appropriate functions                                          ( 1 pt)

  A  B
1. Come and join us
2. I wish I hadn’t eaten too much
3. That’s very kind of you
4. I’m visiting my grandparents next week
a) Thanking
b) Inviting
c) Making plans
d) Regretting  

IV- Complete the dialogues                                                                            (0,5 pt)

  1. Angels: ……………………………….to keep fit healthy?

Betty: Eat a lot vegetables and practise sport.

2. Tom: Can I help your Math exercise?

Sam: ……………………………………………. (Refusing)

V- Build up a dialogue from following situation                                             (2 pts)

Joyce asks Bill if has heard the news. Bill replies that he hasn’t. And he asks her what the news is. Joyce tells him that she has succeeded in the exam. Bill congrats her.

  • Joyce:
  • Bill:
  • Joyce:
  • Bill

D. WRITING COMPOSITION                                                                                        (5 pts)

What do you think of this statement?

  Today, school dropouts increase!
  • What are the reasons?
  • What are the consequences?
  • Give solutions

(Series C-D: 80 words; S-100 words)